1. Apply for jobs you are not qualified for.
2. Send a generic cover letter that doesn't identify the position you're interested in, or match your qualifications to the job.
3. Put a useless, seen-it-a-million-times Objective on your resume that says you want a "challenging opportunity with a forward-looking company where I can utilize my knowledge, experience and skills to our mutual advantage."
4. Make your resume a list of past duties instead of accomplishments.
5. Lie, brag or exaggerate about ANYTHING.
6. Keep making repetitive "notice-me" calls to ask if your resume was received.
7. Fail to respond quickly to messages left on your answering machine or voicemail.
8. Expect them to schedule your phone-screening interview after normal business hours.
9. Refuse to give your salary requirements when requested prior to the interview.
10. Fail to research the company prior to the interview.
11. Arrive at the interview late.
12. Be rude to the receptionist.
13. Put "See attached resume" instead of filling out the application completely.
14. Be unprepared at the interview.
15. Ask "What's in it for ME?" type questions at the interview.
16. Fail to send a thank-you letter after the interview.
17. Call to ask about the status of the position days before when you were told they'd make a decision.
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