Friday, June 1, 2007

The Handshake, Additional Guidelines

As I researched the handshake to start off the interview again I came across an article from the September 2006 Career World Vol. 35 Issue 1, p7-7, 1/2p. While some of the points were already mentioned in my previous post, I think it does a better job of concisely stating the suggestions as well that fact that it includes a few new suggestions.
  1. Make sure your hands are clean and dry.

  2. Stand with good posture. Both men and women should stand to shake hands.

  3. Approach. Step toward the person and stand facing him or her squarely. Make eye contact and smile.

  4. Wait for the higher-ranking person to extend his or her hand. If he or she doesn't, it's OK to wait a moment and then extend your right hand.

  5. Use a firm (not vicelike) grip. If your grip is too loose, your hand will feel like a dead fish. The right grip is palm to palm, web to web.

  6. Use the other person's name in greeting or acknowledging him or her.

  7. Shake. You'll feel a natural rhythm. Pump hands about three or four times-there's no hard-and-fast rule.

  8. Release. Don't pull away. When you feel a natural pause, you can release your hand.

To follow the link to the article click here. I accessed it using EBSCOhost so the link may not work without the passwords. If you are an IPFW student/faculty sign in with your username and password.

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